
usher more(Usher的《More》歌词(带中文翻译!))

作者:魔方百科 更新时间:2024-07-04 01:12:54 栏目:综合问答 阅读量:0


usher more(Usher的《More》歌词(带中文翻译!))

网友:杀生予夺 提问


五星知识达人网友:廢物販賣機 解答于 2022-03-02 03:03

Watch me as I dance in up the spotlight仰望我凌驾灯光闪耀的舞蹈Listen to all the people screaming倾听着亿人万众的嘶叫I'm all… more,我领导我的王道 Cos I create the feeling that keep em coming back,曾经睥睨天下的感觉重新被打造Yeah, I create the feeling that keep em coming back, 是的!曾经睥睨天下的感觉重新被打造So captivating when I get it on the floor所以我在舞台上开始征讨.Know y'all bin patiently waiting,你们已经期盼了太多我都知道I know you need me, I can feel it, 你们需要我我感觉的到I'm a beast, I'm an animal, I'm that luster in the mirror我是怪物,是野兽,我的血液写着亚瑟王道,The headliner, finisher, I'm the closer, winner我是抢先一步的成功者是理所当然的头版头条That's when under pressure with seconds left I show up.这就是我无限风光后给你的超时教条[CHORUS x2]If you really want more, scream it out louder, 如果你想要更吊,就给我更大声的尖叫Get it on the floor, bring out the fire要迸发出更大火花,给我在场上征讨, And light it up, take it up higher,点燃了热血,给我投的更高!Gotta push it to the limit, give it more把球灌进目标才是我亚瑟的王道.Get out both your hands, I'm in the zone, s'aite伸开你的双手我就在你身边But I'm in the area, 却属于不同的空间if you more (and) more, Cos I can't wait to feel it你准备好感受它了吗?因为我们已经没有时间.I go hard, can't stop, But if I stop then just know that imma bring it back, Never 我吃力着但不能停歇,因为停歇就再不能让辉煌再现quittin' don't believe in that.把这些不切实际的念头都丢到一边

1楼网友:杯酒困英雄 解答于 2022-05-02 04:30

歌曲:more歌手:usherwatch me as i dance in up the spotlight- listen to all the people screaming i'm all… more, cause i create the feeling that keep em coming back, yeah, i create the feeling that keep em coming back, so captivating when i get it on the floor. know y'all bin patiently waiting, i know you need me, i can feel it, i'm a beast, i'm an animal, i'm that luster in the mirror, the headliner, finisher, i'm the closer, winner. that's when under pressure with seconds left i show up. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. get out both your hands, i'm in the zone, s'aite but i'm in the area, if you more (and) more, cause i can't wait to feel it. i go hard, can't stop, but if i stop then just know that i'm a bring it back, never quittin' don't believe in that. know y'all bin patiently waiting, i know you need me, i can feel it, i'm a beast, i'm an animal, i'm that luster in the mirror, the headliner, finisher, i'm the closer, winner. that's when under pressure with seconds left i show up. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. ohohoh ohohoh gotta push it to the limit, give it more. ohohoh ohohoh gotta push it to the limit, give it more. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. if you really want more, scream it out louder, get it on the floor, bring out the fire, and light it up, take it up higher, gotta push it to the limit, give it more. ohohoh ohohoh gotta push it to the limit, give it more.



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