

作者:魔方百科 更新时间:2024-06-21 17:54:01 栏目:综合问答 阅读量:0



网友:嗝是迷路的屁 提问


五星知识达人网友:走死在岁月里 解答于 2022-04-03 03:25

Banyan tree on the pond at the sound of cicadas cried summer Playground swing is only stopped at the top of the butterfly child Chalk on the blackboard the teacher is still hard to write a non-stop chatter School class waiting waiting waiting for the game of childhood Canteen inside the pockets of everything that is not a cent Zhuge Shiro and the devil that support the party in the end who grabbed the sword How the boy next class not through my window Mouth of the snacks in the hands of childhood first love cartoon hearts Always have to wait until bedtime to know only a little bit of homework Always have to wait until after the test to know the concept has not read the book An hour in the teacher said that prodigality time Day after day, year after year childhood daze No one knows why the sun always down to the side of the mountain No one can tell me there is no home to mountain gods How many days a person facing the sky is always a daze It's that curious to so such a lonely childhood fantasy Dragonflies fly over the sun the green patches of paddy fields Watercolor crayons and a kaleidoscope of color that can not paint one side When will high school students as a mature and grown up in the face sheets Looking forward to the holidays, looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to his childhood growing up Day after day, year after year looking forward to his childhood growing up 追问: u

1楼网友:千杯敬自由 解答于 2022-01-03 04:33




  • 综合问答

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    你突然的笑了(你突然的笑了 道谢说得腼腆 请问这句歌词是出自哪首歌曲 谢谢)

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