
黑暗堡垒(黑暗堡垒high road 歌词 翻译)

作者:魔方百科 更新时间:2024-06-23 19:43:55 栏目:综合问答 阅读量:0

黑暗堡垒high road 歌词 翻译?

黑暗堡垒(黑暗堡垒high road 歌词 翻译)

网友:却不属于对方 提问


????????:??? ??? 2022-02-06 15:38

High Road (feat. John legend) ????????? Fort Minor High Road Lyrics Lets go ya'll

[Mike] These people are running off at the mouth ??????? Tryin to convince me that I'm running on empty ?????? ?????? Tryin to convince themselves that the record with Jay was a fluke ????????? ??Jay????????? That the record that I'm makin is a mistake ?????????????? and I cant take this ??????? Lemme tell you where I'm at with this ????????????? You bastards are gonna have to take back that shit ???????????????? I'm not plastic and fake ????? When I make tracks I take facts and lay them out for the masses ??????? ?????? ???????? You assholes are gonna see soon that I'm not playin ???????????? ????? Start askin me the names that I'm not sayin ????????? ?????? But I'm tryin to be bigger than the bickerin ?????????? bigger than the petty name callin ???????? under the breath talkin ????????? rumors and labels and categorization ?? ?? ?? I'm like a struggling doctor, No patients ????????? ???? But you can say what you want about me ??????????? keep talkin while I'm walkin away ?????????????

[John Chorus] You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? I'm taking the high road going above you ?????????? this is the last time that I'm gonna trust you ??????????? You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? all that bullshit you talk might work a lot ?????? ?????? but it's not gonna work today ???????

[Mike] You people are running off at the mouth ????????? Tryin to make me take myself off safety ??????????? Tryin to make my friends turn their backs on the team we built ?????????????? buildin up some mistaken information ??????? and I cant take this ??????? lemme spell it out plain for you ???????????? angry groups complain about the things we do ?????????????? im not changing direction, I'm stepping my game up ??????? ?????? Maintainin my name, the same way I came up ???????? ???????? You're gonna see that I'm not playin ????????? start asking the names that I'm not sayin ????????? ?????? but im tryin not to mention the names of people who wanna siphon attention ????????????? ??????????? You like the hype but pretendin you're part of the picture wont pass ????? ????????? ????? You're like a high school dropout, no class ?????????? ???? You can say what you want about me ??????????? keep talkin while i'm walkin away bitch ?????????????

[John Chorus] You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? I'm taking the high road going above you ?????????? this is the last time that I'm gonna trust you ??????????? You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? all that bullshit you talk might work a lot ?????? ?????? but it's not gonna work today ???????

Why does it always have to be ??????? Somebody's always watching me ??????? All I really need is some room to breathe ??????? ??? breath breath ??? ??? Is anybody out there listening? ?????? Cuz I cant stand to keep this in ????????? All I really want, I'll say it again ???????

like that

You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? I'm taking the high road going above you ?????????? this is the last time that I'm gonna trust you ??????????? You can say what you have to say ????????? cuz my mind's made up anyway ?????? ?????? all that bullshit you talk might work a lot ?????? ?????? but it's not gonna work today ???????

??18| ??

1???:???????? ??? 2022-04-06 16:46 to revolution live &dt=1000000&ps=512_288&rt=



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