

作者:魔方百科 更新时间:2024-06-26 08:31:53 栏目:综合问答 阅读量:0



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五星知识达人网友:西岸风 解答于 2022-04-03 21:00

down[daun]adj.向下的adv.向下, 在下面, 下去, 降下prep.往下, 沿着n.绒毛, 软毛, 开阔的高地

downdown 1AHD:[doun] D.J.[daun]K.K.[da&n]adv.Abbr. dn.(副词)缩写 dn.From a higher to a lower place or position:向下:从一个较高的地点或位置到一个较底点:hiked down from the peak.从山峰上徒步向下走Toward, to, or on the ground, floor, or bottom:在地板,在底部:向地面上、地板上或底部,到地面上、地板上或底部,在地面上、地板上或底部:tripped and fell down.绊倒了在地上In or into a sitting or reclining position:倒下,坐下:在或进入一个坐着或倾斜的位置:knelt down; lying down.跪下;躺下Toward or in the south; southward:朝南,在南方;南方的:flew down to Florida.朝南飞向佛罗里达Away from a place considered central or a center of activity, such as a city or town:向远处去:离开中心区或活动中心,如城市或城镇:down on the farm; sent down to work at the firm's regional office.在农场;被派往分公司工作Away from the present place.从目前的地方离开To a specific location or source:追踪来源:tracking a rumor down.顺藤摸瓜查清谣言来源Toward or at a low or lower point on a scale:向低处:尺度上由高到低或处于较低位置:from the biggest down to the smallest.从最大一直到最小To or in a quiescent or subdued state:和缓:趋于或处于平静或顺从的状态:calmed down.冷静下来In or into an inactive or inoperative state:静止:处于或进入不活跃或不运转状态:The generators went down at midnight.半夜里发电机停了下来To or at a lower intensity.减弱的:强度由强到弱To or into a lower or inferior condition, as of subjection, defeat, or disgrace.低下地:处于或走向低或差的状况,如臣服、失败或屈辱To an extreme degree; heavily:极度地;沉重地:worn down by worry.忧心忡忡Seriously or vigorously:严肃地,强劲地:get down to the project at hand.积极从事手边的工作From earlier times or people:由早期地:从上代往后代地:tradition handed down from one generation to the next.世代相传的传统To a reduced or concentrated form:压缩:由分散变集中:pared the term paper down to five pages.把学期论文缩为五页In writing; on paper:写下:wrote the statement down.把那一声明记下来In partial payment at the time of purchase:现付:以现付形式:put ten dollars down on the necklace.买这项链现付拾美元Into or toward a secure position:牢固地:向或进入一个安全的位置:nailed down the boards; bolted the furniture down.把木板钉牢;把家具拴紧adj.Abbr. dn.(形容词)缩写 dn.Moving or directed downward:往下的:向下的或下行的:a down elevator.向下的电梯Low or lower:滑落的:低的或较低的:Stock prices were down today.今天股价大跌Reduced; diminished:减弱的;减少的:The wind is down.风减弱了Afflicted; sick:病倒的;生病的:She's down with a bad cold.她因患重感冒而病倒了Malfunctioning or not operating, especially temporarily:故障的:尤指暂时停工的或出故障的:The computer is down.电脑出故障了Low in spirits; depressed:情绪低落的;沮丧的:feeling down today.今天闷闷不乐Sports Games Trailing an opponent:【体育运动】 【游戏】 落后于对方的:a team down 20 points in the last quarter; down two pawns in the endgame.最后一节比赛落后对方20分的球队;残局中落后二个兵Football Not in play:【橄榄球】 界外的,成死球的:The ball is down on the 50-yard line.球在五十码线处成了界外球Baseball Retired; out:【棒球】 出局的:不在场上的:two down in the last of the ninth.在第九局下半二人出局Completed; done:完成的:three down, two to go.完成三个,还有两个没有完成Learned or known perfectly:完全掌握的:had the algebra problems down.精通代数问题prep.(介词)In a descending direction along, upon, into, or through:往下端,向下:rolled down the hill; floating down the river; went down cellar.滚下山;顺流而下;到地下室去Along the course of:沿:walking down the street.沿街走下去In or at:在…里或在…处:The cans are stored down cellar.罐头藏在地窖里n.Abbr. dn.(名词)缩写 dn.A downward movement; descent.向下的运动;下降Football Any of a series of four plays during which a team must advance at least ten yards to retain possession of the ball.【橄榄球】 阻挡:十码进攻,球员必须在对方四次阻挡内向前推进10码才有进球机会v.(动词)downed, down.ing, downsv.tr.(及物动词)To bring, put, strike, or throw down:击倒:downed his opponent in the first round.第一回合中击倒对手To swallow hastily; gulp:急速地吞;狼吞虎咽:downed the glass of water.一口气喝下一杯水Football To put (the ball) out of play by touching it to the ground.【橄榄球】 使成死球,使成界外球v.intr.(不及物动词)To go or come down; descend.下来;下降

1楼网友:街头电车 解答于 2022-02-04 00:12


2楼网友:鱼芗 解答于 2022-06-03 23:59


3楼网友:我住北渡口 解答于 2022-03-03 22:30

down [简明英汉词典][daun]adj.向下的adv.向下, 在下面, 下去, 降下prep.往下, 沿着n.绒毛, 软毛, 开阔的高地

4楼网友:我住北渡口 解答于 2022-02-03 22:16

downadv. 向下,下去;在下面adj. 向下的n. 软毛,绒毛;[地质] 开阔的高地prep. 沿着,往下vt. 打倒,击败vi. 下降;下去n. (Down)人名;(英)唐网络释义1、向下固然不管输与赢的一方(Party)都不会是折线进取或向下(Down),苟利国家生死已,岂因祸福趋避之。-林则徐大多数(Most)是行楼梯雷同拾级而上或拾级而下。2、由此下楼出国必备宝典 … 咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe 由此下楼 down; downstairs 免税店 duty-free shop …3、羽绒箱包英文词汇汇总 – 包包网 … acrylic staple fibre 腈纶棉 down 羽绒 Thread 线 …4、方向下键FLASHActionScript语言详解 — … … – DELETeKEY Delete(Del)键 – DOWN 方向下键 – END End键 …短语put down 记下 ; 放下 ; 镇压 ; 写下go down 下降 ; 下沉 ; 下去 ; 被载入take down 记下 ; 取下 ; 写下 ; 拿下come down 下来 ; 下降 ; 落 ; 倒下fall down 倒塌 ; 跌倒 ; 失败 ; 落下close down 关闭 ; 查封 ; 倒闭 ; 关门大吉drop down 落下 ; 卧倒 ; 顺着向下移动 ; 倒下jot down 略记下 ; 匆匆记下 ; 草草记下 ; 摘要记载下来back down 放弃 ; 退却 ; 打退堂鼓 ; 让步词组短语down on 突然意识到go down 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受down with 打倒;把…拿下ups and downs n. 沉浮;盛衰;高低down through 在整个…的时间里 right down [口语] , ◎非常,无限 , ◎十足的,地地道道的 , 明明白白地;无隐瞒地 down to the ground 彻底地,完全;在一切方面down and out 贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的down below adv. 在底下go down with something 生(病),得(病),患(病) go down with 被接受;染上疾病down against (股票市场上) 与…相比下跌 get down on something [澳大利亚、新西兰英语](尤指在不需要的时候或抢在别人前面)获得某物 down to the wire 等到最后一刻才开始做事,最后关头have someone down 把某人请来作客(从城市到农村,从河流上游到下游,从北到南等用 down,反之 用 up) do down 欺骗;胜过;说…坏话双语例句1、She booked me down for next flight. 她已为我登记坐下一个航班。2、Down with the portrait. 把那幅画像拿下来。3、Please lift the box down from the shelf for me. 请帮我把这只箱子从搁板上抬下来。



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    t baby(Baby.Tbaby.TBaby,是什么意思?)

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    离殇什么意思(陌路离殇什么意思),本文通过数据整理汇集了离殇什么意思(陌路离殇什么意思)相关信息,下面一起看看。什么叫无伤微笑?什么叫无伤微笑?/////绕shng(形声。从(),保存您的声音。“朱”是肉剩下的骨头,与“死”有关。本义:未成年死亡)与本义相同。也被称为“迪扬”和“迪扬”,他们不是成年人。3354 《说文》十九到十六为长伤,十五到十二为中伤,十一到八为下伤,八岁以下为无衣伤。3354

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    COO是什么意思??网友:爱唱彩虹 提问COO是什么意思?coo是什么意思 最佳答案五星知识达人网友:长青诗 解答于 2022-03-04 12:111、COO即首席运营官(英语:Chief Operating Officer,英文缩写:COO,又常称为运营官、营运总监)是公司团体里负责监督管理每日活动的高阶官员。COO是企业组织中最高层的成员之一,监测每日的公司运作,并直接报告给首席执行官。

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